Welcome to the ultimate sequencing competition!
MGI in collaboration with the Agricultural Research Council in South Africa are awarding 4 scientists a chance to get their samples sequenced by experts at the prestigious Agricultural Research Council Biotechnology Platform (ARC-BTP) in Pretoria, South Africa

The competition is open to all scientists and researchers from across Southern Africa.
The opportunity to make a mark in the world of Genomics!
Winners announced on 14th April 2024
  • Exclusive Prize
    You could be one of the 4 winners to have your samples sequenced at the ARC!
    Deadline: 31 March 2024

  • Cutting-Edge Tech
    Experience impressive Sequencing quality with the the power of MGI DNBSeq technology!
  • Expert Support
    From a team of experienced NGS scientists and bioinformatic experts to support your research
Discover the Power of DNBSEQ™ Technology

A Revolutionary Approach to DNA Sequencing

DNBSEQ™ technology combines the low error accumulation of DNA Nanoballs (DNB) with the high signal density of regular array chips. This unique combination dramatically improves sequencing accuracy.

  • Low duplication, no index hopping
  • Zero-error accumulation using RCA
  • Advanced cPAS Technology
  • Proprietary Base Calling Algorithm

Learn more here
MGI is committed to building core tools and technology to lead life science through intelligent innovation with a mission to develop and promote advanced life science tools for future health care
Submission Deadline: 31 March 2024

To enter, click the "Apply Here" button and submit your application by following the rules outlined in the document.

Applicants who have submitted their applications by midnight (UTC) on 31st March 2024, will be considered. We will review all successful applications and announce the winner on the 14th April 2024.

Terms and conditions apply
view T&C's Here

The Agriculture Research Council Biotechnology Platform (ARC-BTP)

The Agriculture Research Council Biotechnology Platform (ARC-BTP) is a life science facility located in Pretoria, South Africa, dedicated to developing and applying biotechnologies to improve agriculture in the country, Equipped with NGS infrastructure including MGI's DNBSeq-G400, the ARC provides cutting-edge research and development services, training, and technology transfer to stakeholders across the country.

Don't miss this opportunity!

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