Explore the fascinating world of metagenomics and bioinformatics

From a team of experienced MGI and ARC scientists and bioinformatic experts
This two week onsite and hands-on workshop is designed for researchers, students, and professionals in South Africa who are interested in NGS, Metagenomics and life science applications including microbiology, ecology, human health, and agriculture, and understanding the structure and function of microbial communities using metagenomic sequencing on MGI DNBseq technology.
Want to learn about cutting-edge sequencing technologies and data analysis methods?
MGI in collaboration with the Agricultural Research Council in South Africa are awarding 8 students with a chance to experience a 2-week hands-on workshop in Metagenomics to equip students on the entire metagenomic sequencing workflow from sample to analysis, focused sessions on bioinformatics and training on patented DNBseq technology,

Workshop Address: The Agricultural Research Council's Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute campus, the Biotechnology Platform (ARC-BTP), Pretoria, South Africa

Workshop Dates: 24 July - 04 August 2023

Closing dates for applications: 26 June 2023

Explore the fascinating world of metagenomics and bioinformatics at the ARC-BTP

The Agriculture Research Council Biotechnology Platform (ARC-BTP) is a facility located in Pretoria, South Africa, dedicated to developing and applying biotechnologies to improve agriculture in the country, Equipped with NGS infrastructure including MGI's DNBSeq-G400, the ARC provides cutting-edge research and development services, training, and technology transfer to stakeholders across the country.

Metagenomic sequencing, from sample to analysis
->2-week theory and hands-on course with certification

-> Understanding of NGS and the metagenomics sequencing workflow

-> Hands on technological experience

-> Bioinformatics and data processing

-> Experience MGI’s PFI for microbial interpretation and genome annotation

-> Visualization and interpretation of own results
Explore the Agenda here:
Registration Deadline: 26 June 2023
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge in metagenomics and bioinformatics

Terms and conditions apply
view T&C's here
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