Unmatched Speed, Unrivaled Safety
MGISP - 3000
MGISP-3000 sets a new standard in lab automation, balancing high-throughput efficiency with unparalleled safety measures. With features like ISO5 air filtration, one-click sample pre-analysis, and seamless ZLIMS integration, it offers a complete and secure solution for modern lab workflows.
Application Driven


MGISP-3000: A Pinnacle in Lab Automation and Safety

High Safety
Equipped with ISO5 air filters and external exhaust, the MGISP-3000 delivers an ultra-clean and safe workspace for lab tasks.

A single click automates pre-analysis steps, offering fast, error-free operations via an intuitive interface.

Easily integrates with ZLIMS and third-party systems like RT-PCR, making it a versatile lab automation solution.

MGISP-3000 combines top-notch safety, streamlined operations, and scalability, meeting demands for high throughput without compromising quality. It offers a comprehensive solution with features like barcode tracking and automated tube sealing.


Safe and Reliable

Highly Compatible

High Reliability
Barcode data can be auto-transferred to other automation or LIMS for traceability
Two HEPA filters and UV light enhance safety for liquid transfers and lab technicians
Load sample tubes in a standard rack with one click to automate pre-analysis steps
For comprehensive details and ordering information, please download this brochure